DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Photo: author, always

I have never seen so many Lincolns in one place before. This one shop had a lot, and I mean a lot, of lincolns.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Photo: Me, you herbs

I’m not entirely sure who buys these but evidently there are enough to warrant a Lincoln land yacht specialty shop.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Photo: graph

Perhaps most interesting was this Lincoln Continental Mk V. There were many others but this one was the easiest to photograph. It’s hard to get across just how vast these cars are.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Photo: Who

Those clear turn signal housings with an illuminated Lincoln logo are classy. Covered headlights are also cool.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Image: ination was not used in the making of this feature

Faux spare tire hump is perhaps less classy.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Graphic: content this is not

Vinyl top was in good condition. You can see a little rust bubble from trapped water, which seems to confirm this is an older respray. The interior was very good but the sun didn’t like my puny efforts to photograph it.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Photo: graph

Just in case you didn’t understand that there were a lot of Lincolns. Four doors. Two doors. Town Cars. Continentals. Good shape. Bad shape. They had them all. And the random Ford Crown Victoria pictured.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Graphic: Impala neglect

I didn’t think GM cars were allowed here. The turd brown Continental with a not period correct metal flake agrees.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Gif: ted an Impala

Poor Impala, surrounded by these curmudgeony old Fords and Lincolns.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Photo: genic car

I’ve always thought these older Panther platform Crown Victorias were quite good looking for what they were. This one has received a surprisingly restrained donk treatment.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Illustration: Resizing cancels the image credit. KINJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

This old Corolla has been around the block and back and lived to tell about it. It belongs to a gas station employee based on its daily appearance at this spot guarding the ice cooler.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Graphic: neglect of a poor Hyundai

I didn’t know it was possible to wear out a car so quickly, but this mid 2010s Elantra is missing a doorhandle, has extreme plastic fading, and has one of the fluffiest wheel covers I’ve ever seen. How do they get in?

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Gif: ted this feature, but I’d like to regift

This rare Kia Rondo had car seats three across in the rear. There was not much room, but they fit. I’m impressed.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Photo: genic, these fowl are not

The apartment complex also had an surprising amount of one lane blind corners for two way traffic as well as an alarmingly dangerous goose, chicken, and other flightless bird infestation. I suspect fowl play.

There was also an Isuzu Oasis zooming around with no regard for the birds’ or anyone else’s safety, ignoring proper precaution around said single lane blind corners. Proceeding slowly I had some close calls and I don’t feel a rebadged first gen Odyssey would be more confidence inspiring.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Photo: genic, filed to

Maroon crew

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Gif: ? More like GIB PLZ

Rare Infiniti M45. This was a Nissan Gloria? IDK.

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Illustration: for the magazine I’ve decided to start

A real old timer. I don’t see many late 30s pickups on the road. Look at that cutesy GMC script!

Illustration for article titled DOTS: For the Love of Lincolns Edition
Photo: synthesis is present in this photo

A junkyard I may visit soon to scavenge some Volvo parts. I didn’t know this existed.