Somehow hiking in oppressive heat and humidity was relaxing

Illustration for article titled Somehow hiking in oppressive heat and humidity was relaxing
Photo: Who is the Photographer

I really had to get out and do something to take a break from summer school, so I did. I hiked around the East Palisades Unit—Indian Trail along the Chattahoochee River on Saturday.


I actually threw together a short two minute video for fun.

To keep things car related, the road to the parking lot was a single lane stretch of packed sand and gravel that was smoother than lots of asphalt I’ve driven on.

Illustration for article titled Somehow hiking in oppressive heat and humidity was relaxing
Photo: Who is the Photographer

This is the only public dirt road I’ve ever driven on. I wonder why?

Illustration for article titled Somehow hiking in oppressive heat and humidity was relaxing
Photo: Who is the Photographer

For the most part, it was pretty quiet. A tree had fallen across the path down to the river, which prompted many less serious hikers to walk across the top of the ridge instead of by the water. Or maybe just not many people are crazy enough to venture out into 100 degree weather with enough humidity to drown in.

Illustration for article titled Somehow hiking in oppressive heat and humidity was relaxing
Photo: Who is the Photographer

Even in a national park, there was trash on the ground. Sad.

Illustration for article titled Somehow hiking in oppressive heat and humidity was relaxing
Photo: Who is the Photographer

Some rocky cliffs overlook a creek leading into the Chattahoochee. I once read a book that had an asterix by the word “creek,” below stating it was an American word for a small watercourse. I understand the origin of the word, but is it not in common use outside North America?

Illustration for article titled Somehow hiking in oppressive heat and humidity was relaxing
Photo: Who is the Photographer

You know when you have to wait for someone to vacate the vantage point you really want?

Illustration for article titled Somehow hiking in oppressive heat and humidity was relaxing
Photo: Who is the Photographer

The path wasn’t particularly rough on the main routes but the smaller trails were tougher going.

Illustration for article titled Somehow hiking in oppressive heat and humidity was relaxing
Photo: Who is the Photographer

Ducks, they just do what they do.

Illustration for article titled Somehow hiking in oppressive heat and humidity was relaxing
Photo: Who is the Photographer

No idea why, but this rafter was harassing these ducks, though they were unperturbed.

Illustration for article titled Somehow hiking in oppressive heat and humidity was relaxing
Photo: Who is the Photographer

This is rapidly turning into a duck dump, isn’t it? Duck, duck. . .

Illustration for article titled Somehow hiking in oppressive heat and humidity was relaxing
Photo: Who is the Photographer


Illustration for article titled Somehow hiking in oppressive heat and humidity was relaxing
Photo: Who is the Photographer

Some sparkly soil. The paths are covered in tiny pieces of granite which sparkle in the oppressive heat. It looks cool, but it follows the path of erosion so maybe a sign of something much less cool.