Good Idea, Bad Execution.

Illustration for article titled Good Idea, Bad Execution.
Photo: Craigslist

I hope that is plastidip because, although I like the idea, the execution on this is simply appalling.

I don’t hate the idea of attacking it with plastidip but that off center stripe would be a no go for me unless it is removable. The wheel covers do look good in white though. I think I’d paint the steelies instead.

Illustration for article titled Good Idea, Bad Execution.
Photo: Craigslist

I hate to say it but a manual 178,000 mile 2005 Scion xA is not worth $3,300 private party. The amount of time it has been up for sale bears that out. And the stripes don’t give me confidence it has been driven and maintained properly.


Which is a shame because I love the color and I thought this car might be obscure enough that it would be a good deal. Probably make a great first car at a bit less than that.

Illustration for article titled Good Idea, Bad Execution.
Photo: Craigslist

It really seems pretty good all around though. Craigslist has been shockingly devoid of good cars lately. Dang used car shortage!