This Virtual Home Tour Is The Scariest Thing I've Seen This Year

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Screenshot: Redfin (Getty Images)

What this is is pure nightmare fuel. No movie could ever replicate this immerse experience into a place of pure evil. The game is simple: Find the bathtub in the 3d tour of a real estate listing for an unassuming looking brick building.


Guys, you have to click this link. I don’t usually read The AV Club but one of their stories that popped up on the sidebar is just insane and worthy of posting here.


Screenshot: Redfin (Getty Images)

I don’t want to spoil the surprise by posting any additional photos here but I’ll put some in the comments. It took me a long time to find the bathtub. That is, if you can call it a bath tub. The prize is worth it.

Just navigating the twisted labyrinthine depths of this building straight out of your deepest darkest fears is incredible. I thought surely it couldn’t be that maze-like. Then I started actually trying to figure out where in the building I was.


At first I thought it might have been a food pantry but the considerable porn stash doesn’t seem to bear that out. Then I thought maybe it was some sort of Ebay seller’s wild fever dream. Help me, Oppo, WHAT WAS THIS PLACE?

Just how many people lived and worked within the walls of this place? It had to be at least 6 I think. And what work exactly was done here? I’m obsessed!


Oppo Michael found a link to the backstory. Seems to have been a DVD, book, and CD fencing operation at the least.