LOL scammers

Illustration for article titled LOL scammers

This afternoon I got a scammer from a company called Webshop Producers calling me at work. Claiming that we owe them $599 for services that they provided us. I replied that we have never done business with them, etc. but they continued pushing the issue until I hung up on them. She called back about 12 seconds later asking why I hung up on her. I replied “because your’e a scammer” and hung up again. About 30 seconds later I received an invoice via fax machine. For search engine optimization. Our website is a one page landing page with our name address and phone number on it, and the only reason we have it is so that we own our domain name. When I google us it doesn’t even show up on the first page of results. Why would we pay for SEO when we don’t even have a useful website?

Illustration for article titled LOL scammers

The search results for Webshop Producers are pretty entertaining though.