Recent Dealership Experience: Financing

So I recently bought an A6 3.0T (where oddly the T means supercharged, ha!). I became re-acquainted with just how awful a traditional dealership experience is. I won’t get into all my gripes, right now I’m just curious. I was told over the phone by one of several people that I dealt with (I never seemed to have just one person assigned to me) that he was unable to disclose interest rates over the phone.

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To me it feels like a tactic to get me into the door and swooning over the car. And also a tactic to discourage me from shopping around for loans. I had also requested he include Chase in my credit applications, he did not.

So yeah, is that true or not? Can they not disclose interest rates over the phone? It seemed very fishy to me, and I wouldn’t put it past these slimy bastards.


This was a pristine CJD dealership, btw.